Widnes Dental Practice has been serving as a community dentist in Widnes for over three decades. We are proud to have been taking care of the dental needs of generations of families in this area. Over the decades we have adapted our services in response to patient requirements. Dentistry today has become increasingly patient focused and we have embraced this. All of our staff are focused on developing a relationship with all of our patients. This helps to be able to conduct a candid discussion with patients, especially in the area of oral hygiene. All treatments are discussed with patients and we encourage questions to ensure a thorough understanding of the treatments prescribed.

Modern lifestyles require flexibility
As a progressive dentist in Widnes, we are aware of the work and domestic pressures on all our patients. To help you to maintain one of your most important assets, your teeth, we offer flexible surgery hours. Three days of the week we stay open until 9pm and we offer weekend appointments as well. In addition, we understand that emergencies happen and we are here for you by providing same day emergency treatment. We want you to know that we are available for you, especially at those times when you are most vulnerable.
Keeping up to date with technology
We recently refurbished our surgery and updated our equipment ensuring that you can enjoy a relaxed and comfortable visit, in the knowledge that the treatment that you are receiving is of the highest quality. Our team attends regular seminars and training programmes to keep up to date with the latest techniques and equipment.
Preventive dentistry is at the centre
Being a forward thinking community dentist in Widnes means that we have to regularly re-evaluate our range of treatments to ensure that we are responding to your needs. Preventive health care must include dental health, because almost everything that we put into our bodies passes through our mouths. It therefore makes sense to ensure that our mouths remain healthy. Education is key to the programme of preventive dentistry.
Starting young
We encourage our adult patients with children to bring them in at as early an age as possible, from one year old. While you are having your treatment we will look after your child. The idea is to allow them to become comfortable in the surgery’s environment, with the sounds, the smells and our staff. This way they will not experience anxiety when their turn comes to have an appointment. Educating our adult patients on the correct brushing and flossing techniques for themselves, so that they can pass this information down to their children at home, is another part of preventive dentistry.
Our range of treatments
We offer a full range of general dental and cosmetic treatments to satisfy the needs of all our patients. We also understand that some additional pampering is sometimes required and to satisfy this need, we offer a few extra treatments. You can therefore enjoy aesthetic treatments to face and body in our safe, sterile and well equipped treatment rooms. Our practice is a community dentist satisfying the dental needs of our area and beyond. We are delighted to do so.